
Freva - Data search and analysis framework for the Community

by: Andrej Fast, Brian Lewis, Christopher Kadow, Etor Lucio Eceiza, Martin Bergemann and many others

Common Problem I: Finding Data

Common Problem II: Use code of others

Common Problem III: Reproducibility

  • How can we search and access various datasets efficiently?
  • How can we streamline user data analysis tools (reusable and reproducible)?

Yet another solution:

Freva: The free evaluation system framework

Example I: Searching and reading CMIP6 data

I. Python call:

import freva
import xarray as xr
files = freva.databrowser(
dset = xr.open_mfdataset(files, combine="by_coords", parallel=True)

II. Command line call:

⋊  freva databrowser project=cmip6 experiment=historical model='mip*' ensemble='r1i1*' time_frequency=mon variable=tas

III. Web user interface:

Example II: Data analysis tool / plugins

Create animation of high resolution data

  • Where is the data?
  • Where are the tools/libraries? Like video codecs etc
  • ...

Solution: Use an existing freva plugin.

The animator plugin:

Plugin command line interface:

⋊  freva plugin -l
Animator: Animate data on lon/lat grids
ClimateChangeProfile: Create climate change signals.
ClimDexCalc: Calculate the ETCCDI climate extreme indices on the
             basis of daily temperature and precipitation data using
             the ClimDex software provided by PCIC.
Climpact: Process climate model data for input of impact model
CWT: Calculate Circulation Weather Type by mean sea level pressure.
EnsemblePlotter: Create and Plot maps of multi-model ensemble means and
                 standard deviations
MoviePlotter: Plots 2D lon/lat movies in GIF format
Papermill: Parametrize a given notebook
freva-plugin animator variable=pr project=reanalysis experiment=era5 cmap=Blues