This chapters contains a collection of examples that demonstrate the usage for freva by jupyter notebooks.
After loading the freva module or installing freva in your own python environment you should create a new jupyter kernel. This kernel should have the environment variables needed by freva set automatically. You can do this via the following command:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name my-kernel-name --env EVALUATION_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE <path_to_evalfile>
The path to the environment variable is project specific for example /work/ch1187/clint/nextgems/freva/evaluation_system.conf
- Searching for data: the databrowser method
- Managing your own datasets: the UserData class
- Applying data analysis Plugins
- Search the history of previously applied plugins
- The Freva command line interface
- Running data analysis plugins: the freva-plugin command
- Inspecting previous analysis jobs: the freva-history command
- Managing your own datasets: the freva-user-data command